Saturday, February 6, 2010

And the winner is.... finally.

Edmund won! Ya! I was supposed to make Turkish delight, but I didn't want to. So I made cake balls. Sorry I haven't posted for in awhile, life has been crazy. I have a cold and I have a visitor staying with me. You can read about that here:
So thanks for being patient and here's your recipe:
Make one cake following the directions. When the cake is done, crumble it up and mix in a can of melted frosting. (Heat the frosting in the microwave and you probably won't need the whole can.) Mix together to form a dough and then roll into a ball. Cover the ball with wax paper and freeze until firm. Then roll into little balls. Melt some chocolate wafers in the microwave, stirring every few seconds. When it is melted, drop cake ball into chocolate and cover. Then scoop out onto wax paper. Sprinkle the desired candies on top. (Note, chocolate hardens fast so put on the sprinkles as soon as possible.) The chocolate will harden by itself, so all you have to do is plate and serve.
*Note, these are really rich


Dj said...

I wanted some cake balls.

No Ordinary Mind said...

I gave you some cake balls.

Emilie said...

Mmm.... I had cake balls! They were delicious!!

Miss Dorian said...

Yum! Those look so good! I should make some.

Edmund totally deserved to win. ^_^

No Ordinary Mind said...

I'm glad you liked them Emilie!
Jessica- yes, Edmund totally should have won. I felt kinda bad not making him turkish delight... but cake balls work too.

Hannah Powell said...

edmund should not have won.